Savvy Seniors
Antioch Seniors, also known as "the 39'ers" meet for fun and fellowship. Their meetings usually involve lots of pot-luck side dishes plus a variety of entertainment. Some meet weekly for card games. Watch the Sunday bulletin for their upcoming meeting details.
Adult Bible Classes
One of our church family's biggest strengths is our Bible Classes. Nearly 80% of those who attend our 9 am Worship Service attend a Bible Class at 10:20 am. If you want to build deeper relationships and a deeper faith you should look into a Bible Class. For more information about joining an Adult Bible Class contact Todd Wigginton ([email protected])
Children's Ministry
Bible classes are available for all ages on Sunday mornings at 10:20 am and Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm. In addition, we have children's Wonder of Worship, a.k.a. WoW during the 9:00 am Sunday assembly.
Financial Stewardship Ministry
Steve Diggs, our Stewardship Minister is available to conduct his No Debt, No Sweat seminars as well as provide personal financial counseling.
Antioch Youth Ministries AYM: Birth-Grade 12
Antioch Youth Ministries (AYM) is made up of children and students, ages birth - 12th grade. This is a very important and active ministry within our church. This group participates in many activities and overnight trips throughout the year.
Hispanic Ministry
Sundays we provide Spanish translation during morning worship service (9:00 am), and Bible Study (Estudio Biblico) at 10:20 am. ¡Ofrecemos clases Biblicas en Español!
Men's Ministry
The men at Antioch engage in many different sports, retreats and ministry activities. There's a regular "men's only" Bible study that meets on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm.
Antioch provides long-term support for two missionary families located in El Salvador and Nicaragua. We engage in several short term mission trips including Mid Ohio Valley work camps, Casas por Cristo, Baja missions, and others. We also volunteer at the Churches of Christ Disaster Relief program.
Women's Ministry
Antioch's women use their talents in various areas of service to others and meet regularly for Bible study. We offer ladies classes Tuesdays at 10:00 am, and Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.
Worship Planning
The worship planning is coordinated by Thomas Becker and the ministry staff.